Saturday, September 24, 2011

Meet Denali!

It has been a long time since I have written....  Today, it is with a happy and full of puppy love heart that I introduce Denali!  About 3 months or so ago, I told Joe I wanted a puppy.  He thought I was kidding, then thought I was crazy.  I looked at all kinds of shelter websites, blogs, puppy pictures.  We even visited a shelter, which although made me cry, we did not find our forever puppy.  Then I came upon a site about Sheepadoodles.  They were cute, hypoallergenic and low shed.  Joe was sold.  We made and appointment to visit them.  We were in the car, ready to go see them and I changed my mind.  We didn't go.  It wasn't right.
About 2 months ago, I came upon JannieDoodles, a labradoodle breeder.  They had recently had a litter of labradoodles and they were cute!  I chatted with them and realized this was it!!  At three weeks old, Joe, Christa and I went to meet them.  There were 11 and they were ALL soooooo cute!  5 weeks to wait....  We were the 5th pick and we really wanted the one with the red collar "Mutley".  We arrived today at noon, still not knowing who we were going to get.  We walked in, and there he was!  Joe said, "Mutley's here"!!  We are so excited!  He's adorable!  Beau would have loved him....

1 comment:

  1. Denali, welcome to the family little one. Such a beautiful addition to the family. We can't wait to see him all grown up. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
    World of Animals
